When you are trying to find that cool new Mexican restaurant, you’ve got a purpose and a goal in mind.  While you are in your car, though you’ve never been to this part of town, you follow directions and drive, drive, drive.  You wouldn’t stop your car and worry about how much gas you have or how much time it will take to get there.  That would be unnecessary.  You know how to drive.  You know the address.  You’re set.  Okay, you might stop to check your directions, but not for more than five minutes.  You get what I mean.  Try to work like you drive.  Don’t doubt your capacity to work.  Don’t worry that you may not have what it takes to get to your goal.  When you are working, manage your mind well.  Don’t stop to pay attention to distracting thoughts that don’t help you drive to your destination.  And when you are working (and not on a break), don’t stop for more than five minutes!

Next time you are driving or travelling to a destination, notice how clear your mind can be when your purpose is set.  Try to develop your own work mindset over the next few weeks.  What will you need to add or subtract from your style of working in order to feel more in charge?