happy days

I’ve been having some difficulty getting my act together regarding this blog lately.  I haven’t been posting consistently, and some days it feels like the well has run dry.

What I’ve realized in thinking about this current situation is that running a blog is kind of like being in therapy.  Sooner or later, your issues are going to come out.  But, the only way you’re going to be able to look at those issues in a meaningful way is if you stay in.

What I’ve learned through running this blog and struggling to make it what I would like it to be is:

  • Blogging is a tremendous opportunity to reach other people and to explore one’s own voice.
  • Blogging can reinforce some of the beauty of daily living.
  • Blogging can make one more mindful.
  • There is no sure-fire way to do a blog despite countless blog posts written to that effect.

In fact, the only way to do a blog is to do the work.

Who Am I Waiting For?

Part of my recent struggle with posting consistently is I’ve been mired in my own thoughts about what the blog posts are supposed to look like.  What theme should I follow?  What images should I post?  Should I really devote my time to the blog?  The questions go on and on.

But the struggle isn’t just me versus me.  I know through working with my patients over the years, that for me and most others, there’s always something else looming.  There’s always the fear of the other person.  That other person, whether they be real or just an internalized voice, holds the key to our ability to act.

That other person makes us feel:

  • afraid to be creative
  • afraid to be original
  • afraid to move forward
  • afraid to commit to time being used
  • afraid to do things others wouldn’t do
  • afraid of our own capacity to get things done

Believe me, if I could design or devise a one-stop shop place to cure the other person syndrome I would.  It would be my life’s work, I’m sure.  In many ways it is my professional work, as I spend my days talking with patients to help them move past that other person in their head or in their life.

The reason this is not a one-stop fixer-upper situation is because we are complex, intelligent, and anxious beings.  We have come to our situations of delay and distress honestly.  Over the years we have convinced ourselves that stressing out over our lives and work makes everything better in the end.  And because doing work is generally inherently a hard thing to do, we get ourselves in long patterns of delay without purpose, of worry without productivity.

I’m Ready to Go

Although I know I can’t offer a one-stop shop, I am now prepared to move forward with an idea I’ve had in my mind for quite a long time.  I have long dreamt of finding a way to gather people suffering from chronic procrastination together.  My blog and the Internet and your own efforts to find solutions for yourself now make it possible for me to do so.

I will be using the month of October to run my first Procrastination Coach Workout Group. The group will be multi-faceted in purpose and design.

The purpose:  To help members gain a foothold over their Procrastination.  There will be no set expectations for how members choose to do so.  The Workout Group will provide a forum and arena for experimentation and consideration of what needs to be addressed and worked through.

The design:  During the month of October, members will receive written lessons each week covering the topics of communication, time management, control and perfectionism, and tools for maintaining progress.  There will also be a live webinar with me so I may answer your questions and do some coaching.  Members also have the option of joining a “secret” and confidential Facebook group open only to Workout Group members.  My aim is to provide useful and easily implemented information for you.  My intent is to do that without wasting your time and using the most efficient methods I know how.

The cost:  $10 for the month of October

Why this is worth your valuable time and money:

  1. Spending some time to evaluate the reasons you are stuck will pay off in time, flexibility, and lowered anxiety.
  2. Membership in this Workout Group will connect you with peers who are experiencing problems similar to yours.  The Workout Group will facilitate open communication and supportive conversation which I firmly believe will aid you in your effort to recover from chronic Procrastination.
  3. You will gain information and tools relevant to your personal needs.
  4. You will gain direct access to lessons and coaching with me during the Workout Group experience.

Click the Join Now button below to register for the October Workout Group:

I’m really excited about this new venture.  My decision to run with this idea of announcing the Workout Group has renewed my blogging spirit.  I hope you’ll join me and others who are interested in gaining momentum in their lives in the Workout Group.  Who are you waiting for anyway?

Please feel free to reply to me if you have questions about whether the Workout Group will be right for you.  I look forward to working with you soon.