temp_collage_1423151957.254379I have always found it curious that there are so remarkably few resources for those of us who Procrastinate.  Perhaps the biggest reason this is so surprising to me is because so many of us suffer from this same affliction of delay, avoidance, and distress in the face of potential stressors.

I decided to share with you the style and approach I use when I work with clients who Procrastinate.  I hope this information is useful to you in helping you to decide whether you would like to seek out Procrastination Coaching for yourself.

Procrastination Coaching entails the following key elements:

  • we will examine your particular style of learning and working
  • we will explore the methods you have chosen to defend yourself from stress
  • we will begin to understand the mechanisms by which your Procrastination has lasted longer than you would have liked or would have expected
  • we will debunk any ideas about needing to be perfect that you may be hanging on to
  • we will work to ease your fears about opening up to other people about your problems being productive
  • I will encourage you to use your highest skill set
  • I will guide you towards operating at your full potential

On many levels, Procrastination Coaching is not rocket science.  I use many tried-and-true techniques that you might be able to find taught in any elementary school worth its salt.  However, I do believe the Procrastination Coaching I offer includes not only training in the basic skills of productivity, but also the experience of being understood on deeper levels, the levels which have not been open to public view prior.  Empathy is big here. When we suffer from Procrastination, we suffer from shame and fear that others will misunderstand us.  Sensing that your coach is empathic towards your experience is essential for your coaching relationship to thrive.

What Procrastination Coaching is not:

  • a rigid, formulaic, one-size-fits all program
  • a zone built for your embarrassment
  • a quick fix
  • a place for you to find someone to do your work for you
  • traditional supportive psychotherapy

Procrastination Coaching will require some involvement from you.  You will need to be open to change and to be open to feeling your hushed-away feelings.  The great news in this is, is ALL of is have the dual capacities of making change in our lives and understanding our own feelings.  For me, knowing this and being able to help clients renew their understanding of these facts, is probably the most rewarding of all the pleasures I have in my work.

By the way, if you are currently in psychotherapy, I encourage you to discuss your issues with Procrastination openly with your therapist.  Your therapist may be able to help you feel less alone in your journey towards feeling better, and it is important for your therapist to know some of the more private parts of your experience.

If you have any questions about Procrastination Coaching, please feel free to contact me by sending a note via my website at www.procrastinationcoach.com.  I’d be happy to help. Best wishes to you.