Uncertainty. Quite a blog topic. Uncertainty can make us crazy. Can make us worry. Can make us dread. Can make us stop dead in our tracks. There will be times when we are more aware of Uncertainty with a capital “U”:
- when we make transitions
- when we think about investing our time, money, or resources
- when we have to choose between two good options
- when we are faced with issues of illness or mortality
Essentially, when we face something new we face uncertainty. When you find yourself bombarded by the fact that your life is filled with uncertainty, please remember that just because you are going through changes doesn’t mean you’ve all of a sudden lost all of your coping skills. Also remember that times of deep uncertainty pass, just like everything else. Don’t panic. Panicking only increases your feeling of being ill-equipped and vulnerable. It also strains your typical ways of assessing things and making decisions on what to do next. Instead of engaging your anxiety, try to be patient and mindful. Try to identify some of these items:
- what is bothering you
- why it’s bothering you
- what problem there is to solve
- what is blocking you from solving the problem
- what is blocking you from letting go of your worry if there is nothing you can do to solve the problem
And after that effort, you get to decide what your plan is, even if it’s just to relax for awhile. We get to have a say in how we feel, even in times when we don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next.
What types of situations tend to make you feel uncertain? How do you typically respond when you feel unsure of what to do next? What can you do to remind yourself of your capacity to cope just when you feel you can’t?