I recently inquired about my older cousin’s capacity for both calm and kindness and remarkable productivity.  I was informed about his motto of the “5 P’s” which is:

[Tweet “Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance”]

Makes sense to me.  Just wish I were more of a planner.

In thinking about my cousin’s wisdom, I came up with a list of important items which I believe we should make time for right now, if we haven’t done so already:

5 Items to Plan for Now

  1. Safe driving.  I guess this item made it to the top of my list because earlier this week, I was almost mowed down by a Mercedes SUV while I was walking to work.  The only reason the driver stopped was because I screamed.  I’m may not plan well, but I can scream when I need to.  Pay attention while you are at the wheel, and plan to be undistracted and focused while driving by putting your affairs in order before you start your engine.
  2. Your will.  This item is notoriously difficult to complete, but essential for your peace of mind.  Ask your friends what resources (either on-line or legal professionals) they have used to establish their will.  If it turns out your friends have also not started making their wills, decide to commit to finishing this important project together, e.g. giving yourselves three months to research and complete your wills.  Remember to designate who will serve as your health care proxy and who will have power of attorney on your behalf.
  3. Matters of your health.  Plan and schedule your check-ups, screenings, and follow-ups.  Don’t delay seeking medical attention if you feel something is awry in your health picture.  Make sure you have appropriate referrals ahead of time if your insurance company requires them.  Also check to make sure the medical procedures you are signed up for are covered under your insurance plan.
  4. An emergency fund.  Start creating one today.  Put aside as much as you can, week by week, until you have three month’s worth of income and expenses saved.  Doing this will increase your sense of calm (and perhaps your kindness and remarkable productivity).
  5. Removing money drains.  Take part of your lunch break to take care of:
  • an account or subscription that might be automatically renewing although you don’t need or use it anymore
  • overdue fines for library books
  • late penalties on credit cards
  • over-priced wireless plans
  • medical receipts which need to be submitted to your insurance company or flexible spending account for reimbursement

I think my cousin definitely has the right idea with his motto.  When you spend some time in planning, the rewards tend to multiply.  For instance, if you begin to take care of money drains, magically you will have extra cash to start your emergency fund.  Actually having an emergency fund started will, in turn, spare you from having to go into costly debt in the case an emergency should happen.  Handling the items listed above will allow you to feel like you have the basics taken care of.  And any good planner would appreciate that.

Are your cousins smarty pants too?  Do you have any mottos of your own to keep your productivity high?  Please share with us here.