I think it is interesting that we often yell at ourselves when we don’t know what to do next.  It’s like the image of a parent scolding their toddler as they are just learning to walk, but unsure of their next step — totally destabilizing.  It’s a ridiculous image, but I think it is akin to the torment we can put ourselves through when we’re in the middle of learning something new.  In many ways, we expect ourselves to be flawless, even though we really don’t know what our next step will bring.  With that expectation it is no wonder we find ourselves feeling unsure and reluctant to proceed.  Be gentle with yourself when you are trying to make progress.  Experiment.  Do some new moves.  Toss the self-punishment and make way for new feelings to come in to your life.

What have you been yelling at yourself for lately?  Is it time to regroup and take your next step?