One of the most defining things about Procrastination is that it is isolating.  When we begin to Procrastinate, we take ourselves away from other things we want to be doing and other people we want to be with.  And so, it makes sense that one of the best actions you can take to fight Procrastination is to take a step away from what you are avoiding (you read that right) and put your energy into taking care of something or someone else.


Step of the Day: Take Care of Something or Someone Else

I’ll start with some suggestions for things to do to take care of something:

  • Schedule your car maintenance appointment for the winter
  • Go to the post office to get some stamps
  • Write some notes of thanks in honor of Thanksgiving Day and the people in your life who have helped you the most this year
  • Donate, recycle, or throw away ten items you have been living with but no longer need
  • Replace your fire alarm battery and make sure the alarm works
  • Return DVDs or books that are overdue
  • Order the new book you have been hearing about and want to read

Here are some ideas for things to do to take care of someone else:

  • Offer to do an extra set of chores for someone else to ease their burden
  • Give someone positive feedback and encouragement for a project they are starting
  • Call or visit someone who has been going through a hard time or who could use your company
  • Plan an activity for the winter holidays with friends or family
  • Connect with an old friend just to catch up

Though it might seem ironic that I am suggesting you move away from the activity you are trying to avoid, I have found this idea really works.  I guess what is important is the idea of free, unencumbered movement.  If you are not moving in one way, move in another.  Ease your stress, reduce the isolation, and try again.  Enjoy and appreciate the reality that you are of free will and that you are connected to other people.  Both are the among the most powerful messages you can remind yourself of.