photo (8)Part of my laundry room refresh project involved purchasing a small piggy bank to help manage the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that seem to hold meetings and conferences in my laundry machines.  Why is this relevant, you say?  First, it solved my problem of loose change flying everywhere.  Second, it was a very sneaky way to trick myself into being more careful with my dollars and cents.  Third, it was easy as pie to implement and gives me a chuckle every time I look at the thing.

What I’ve learned from this venture in organizing is:

  • organizing doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated
  • you can actually trick yourself into taking care of more minor, irritating matters, like loose change
  • it is worth the time to figure out ways to get rid of minor, irritating matters
  • you can structure your organization plan to be in line with your larger goals, such as saving more money

I’m planning on having two more piggies come stay at my house because there are more coin conventions downstairs and in the front entryway.  I am also trying to figure out more of these sneaky organizing techniques as I go along.  I really recommend you do the same for yourself.  Have fun!

I would love it if you would share your own simple, but useful organizing techniques here. Feel free of course to share pics of your piggies too.