I guess one thing we can always rely on is we will always have laundry to do.  There.  I said it.  It’s the truth.  Can’t believe I just typed that.

Given laundry is an everlasting affair, I decided to lend some encouragement for how to get some of it done without drama, denial, depression, or stress.

Step of the Day:  Do Your Laundry

Laundry may be the perfect storm for any Procrastinator.  It involves coordination, planning, forethought, and feels like a huge waste of time.  Oh, and we have to handle dirty and wet also.  And, we can always put it off one more day.  I think if we can tackle the Laundry-Procrastination dilemma, we can tackle any other part of our Procrastination problem.  Look at it as a microlab for working on your Procrastination issues.  If that little suggestion didn’t sell you, try these other ideas:

  • Speed it up.  Gather your clothes to be washed while under a timer for fun.
  • Keep your perspective.  Laundry will not kill you.  Take down your complaining just a notch.
  • Stay positive.  Avoid feeling like you are suffering during the time you’ve designated for laundry.  Be grateful for even this opportunity.
  • Think clean.  Heck, depending on how big your laundry resistance is, you may be saving the planet by getting your wash done.
  • Enjoy it.  Call your favorite person while you’re waiting for the spin cycle to finish.  Bring some upbeat music along.  Decide to appreciate laundry time as alone time.
  • Speed it up (again).  Fold your clothes with the idea that one load takes only 2 minutes to complete.  Try this to see what I mean…
  • Remember beginning-middle-end.  Get into the habit of thinking of laundry not just as the wash-and-dry process, but also as the process of putting your clean clothes away.  Doing this will prevent you from cluttering up your living space.

When you tackle laundry with a can-do attitude and do it over and over again, you will eventually learn at least not to hate laundry.  And that may be a big win for you.  As with all things, perfection may not be the best goal, but completion may be a worthy one.