Procrastinators tend to be involved in messy situations.  Maybe not so much illicit affairs as much as having one project blend into another, and another, and another.  There are many reasons for this, such as:

  • problems setting start and finish times
  • difficulties wrapping things up
  • starting new projects before completing old ones
  • being over-eager
  • being over-committed

So often, it is helpful to take a breather, even for just a few minutes.  When you allow yourself to take a break, you allow yourself the room to evaluate how things are going and how you are doing.

Step of the Day: Allow Yourself Some Breathing Room

You may be so used to going, going, going, that you may have forgotten what a good break looks like.  You may feel so guilty about your Procrastination that you never allow yourself even the thought of taking a break.  You may think of yourself as being constantly on a “break,” and therefore also do not know what a real break looks like.  No matter what your current style of not breathing is, it is possible to learn how.

Here are some suggestions for establishing good breaks for yourself:

  1. Take a look at your daily, regular routine.  Determine where the transition points are, e.g. the five minutes in between classes or the 30-minute commute between work and home.
  2. Observe how you behave and feel during these transition times.  Are you harried? Overwhelmed?  Stressed?
  3. Decide to turn these transition points into good breaks for yourself.  When you determine these times will be used to refresh your mind and spirit, there will be less of a chance you will feel anxious.  Use these times to remind yourself you are grounded no matter how many projects you have going on.

Once you start finding break points during the day, they will be easier to find.  And the more you use them well, the more useful they will be.  If you feel absolutely crazed and unable to follow the steps I suggested above, then take advantage of the time just after you wake up to take a break.  Roll right out of bed and onto the floor.  Don’t handle your smartphone before you hit the floor.  And don’t take me literally about hitting the floor.  Sit for a few minutes in a relaxed position and breathe.  Five minutes will do.  Have fun breathing again.

Please feel free to share different ways you have been able to design good breaks for yourself here.