Procrastinators are real drags. We complain. We mope. We are heavy in spirit.

We have lost the pleasure of having fun because we feel like we are behind time. As if time is running ahead of us. That is certainly not a fun feeling.

Others around us don’t really know how to have fun with us. We don’t have the time. We don’t make the time. We can never find the time. Seeing others be carefree and be carefree often and as they plan to gets our goat. Makes us complain that much harder. Makes us feel the depth of our stress that much more.

I’m planning on making this post short today because it’s Halloween, and I think there’s no reason not to have fun on Halloween. I think it is a holiday designed purely for fun. As long as you’re not terribly afraid of ghouls and goblins and carved-out pumpkin heads that is. I hope you find some time today to carve out some fun for yourself.

Here are some of the important reasons why re-learning how to have fun is important in recovering from a lifestyle dominated by Procrastination:

1. Going through your days without a sense of balance between work and fun is well…imbalanced. Our bodies, souls, and minds need the ebb and flow that happens when we shift back and forth between work and play.

2. Our hyper-seriousness during the worst periods of our Procrastination is unnecessary. We are simply wasting large chunks of time obsessing and perfecting, ruminating and delaying. More fun can be had.

3. One sure-fire way to show ourselves that we are “good enough” in the world is to allow ourselves the joy that others are allowed. When we keep ourselves away from certain categories of life experiences, like having fun, we become successful only at dampening our own spirit.

4. Procrastinators tend to be bound by restraint and caution. We are afraid to let this project go. We are too stressed out to make that phone call. When we are having fun, we experience directly the forces which oppose restraint and caution — the feelings of freedom and of being carefree. Again, it’s important to re-learn those feelings to break the grip of Procrastination.

Give yourself a break from the stress monster outfit you have on and go find a funnier costume for tonight. Take care of yourself and have a very fun Halloween.
