AccommodationsA few weeks ago a friend asked me if it was difficult for me to come up with ideas for blog posts.  My immediate response was “No,” but I didn’t have a clear sense at the time why that was my chosen response.

Sure, sometimes it does feel difficult to come up with exactly the right thing I’d like to communicate.  But most times, I’m just writing about aspects of how I think and act on a daily basis.

You see, despite being in recovery from chronic Procrastination, I struggle with the impulse to Procrastinate every day. These posts are stories of accommodations and adjustments I’ve learned to make.  I make them instead of getting upset, crazy, distressed, and distorted.

Now instead of Procrastinating I:

  • call ahead
  • plan ahead
  • write in bullet points
  • leave room and time for error
  • speak up when I need help
  • pay attention if my feelings are alerting me to something I need to handle
  • allow myself to delay a little if I need to get started
  • allow life to be frustrating instead of wondering why it’s not peaches and cream
  • don’t view my Procrastination as something that makes me completely different than everyone else

How do I make these accommodations and adjustments when my instinct is to throw everything to the wind? I have patience and compassion for myself and my difficulties getting things done.  Those two factors have been a long time coming.

If you do not have those two factors for yourself, keep reading these posts, keep plugging away, keep on keepin’ on.  Get help, get real comfort, get moving, and make the changes big and small you need to make.

Remember that no matter how much pressure you might be under, you are the force for change for yourself.  No one else can be the central reason for your growth. Don’t get distracted by what other people have to say about how you do things or what plans you should be making.  Your development will originate from your own energy and your own desires to move forward.  Go forth and prosper.


Don’t miss this opportunity to work with me in the Open to the Possibilities on-line course. You will receive direct guidance from me on making important, but doable Open to the Possibilitiessteps in order to reduce your need to Procrastinate.   Open up pathways to feeling better and to being more productive in your life.

The course includes a 31-step guidebook, membership in a closed Facebook group for course members only, and a live webinar with me. Click the image to the left to register for the course today!