How to inject enthusiasm into your work and lifeProcrastination is the great distorter and the great killer of our enthusiasm.

It makes us feel unable to move forward.

It makes us feel that everything in front of us is a cluster of mountains to climb.

It makes us feel that time is a resource we can replenish somehow.

It makes us worry about facing humiliation, embarrassment, and rejection.

It makes us forget how strong, smart, and capable we really are.

If that weren’t bad enough, procrastination also prevents us from feeling enthusiasm for what we choose to do in our lives.  When we are procrastinating and/or regretting procrastinating, we feel all the negative feelings — bewilderment, paralysis, confusion, and frustration.  Since we have chosen procrastination as a response to having to take action, we feel forced to stay confined in an unhappy space and mindset.

In learning how to recover from my own procrastination, I realized maintaining a fearlessly enthusiastic and positive attitude is an essential component of succeeding.  Nurturing my enthusiasm allowed me to:

  • lift my head from its formerly downward-facing position
  • see that there were many options for getting myself to move forward
  • hope for a better way of living 
  • try using different mentors, courses, books, and activities in order to cure my distress
  • continue learning from my experiences, even when they weren’t smash successes
  • realize I didn’t need to use procrastination as my primary way of handling stress
  • start this blog (5 years ago!) to help other people find their quickest path away from procrastination

I don’t think we can make big changes in our lives without letting go of some big things.  Things like negativity,  procrastination, self-sabotaging behavior, and social isolation. 

In order to begin working and living fully, we need to re-inject enthusiasm back into our minds and bodies.

Here are some suggestions for how to do just that:

Always take a realistic view of things.  Do NOT start your sentences with the words “What if…” because those sentences always end up making us feel terrified.  Working while terrified has never really worked well for me, and I doubt it’s the best way for you either.  Keep your senses tuned to what is really happening because, in reality, you always have a way through each challenge you face.

Adopt a grateful stance.  Start each day reminding yourself to be grateful for absolutely everything you have and can do.  You have breath, you have food, you have people who love you.  Start with those three things and add to your list as the day progresses.  Gratitude is the ultimate generator of enthusiasm.

Imagine the best outcomes.  We can get so caught up in worst-case scenario imaginings.  I have come to really dislike (read: hate) worst-case scenarios because they tend to block my view of the good things that are actually happening or are about to happen.  There is so much to take advantage of in each day, in every moment.

Imagine yourself operating at your highest capacity.  This may be an exercise you have never really tried.  What would you look like if all of your abilities and energies were switched to “on” and you felt neither fear nor doubt?  I know!  It’s a heady experience to imagine this.  But as they say, what you can imagine is what is possible.  Go there.  Do that.

Remember that you know how to be enthusiastic.  In your heart, you know how to be happy, you know how to hope, and you know how to celebrate.  Procrastination has blocked those positive feeling states because that’s what procrastination does.  So remember to side with your true inner state, which is more happy, more hopeful, and more up for celebration.

Give yourself the gift of patience.  When we are kind and patient with ourselves, we have an easier time making important changes.  Treat and speak to yourself with love always.

Inject enthusiasm wherever you can.  Don’t expect that you’ll be enthusiastic LATER.  That is just procrastinating your well-being.  And we shouldn’t waste any time doing that. 

Be enthusiastic about the things you have to do.  I always feel slightly more enthusiastic about what I have to do when I’ve got it written down and planned out.  Craving a quick tool to help you summarize your goals and actions for today?  Click the highlighted link below and get immediate access to the One-Page Personal Plan template I often use:

Download the Free One-Page Personal Plan Now

Staying grounded in reality, keeping yourself in action, and maintaining an enthusiastic attitude will be your keys to better productivity, self-esteem, and experiences.  Remember to have those items at the top of your daily To-Do List.  Your procrastination won’t stand a chance.  Enjoy.