Greetings and Happy Holiday wishes from me to you today.  During this season, which can feel hectic and discombobulating, I wish for you a few gifts that don’t come with wrap, paper, or bows:

  • a calm mind
  • an accepting heart
  • an understanding of how unique you are
  • a joyful spirit
  • a sense of peace

Pretty awesome gift list, right?  Enjoy it.  Keep re-upping on these gifts after the holidays are over too.

If you are feeling behind, or maybe even left behind, during this time of year, I sympathize. Find time to take a few deep breaths, which creates some room for a more relaxed perspective to sneak in and take the stress off.

I look forward to a few days off, and then to returning with a few thoughts about the New Year 2014!

With best wishes and cheer,  Christine