Today, I thought I’d model what I sometimes do when I’m feeling unable to follow through with my regular routine.  I have a general expectation for myself that I write and publish at least one blogpost per week.  Some weeks that expectation is a no-brainer to fulfill.  It sometimes can even be pleasurable.

Other weeks, for different reasons, the idea of writing something new and (hopefully) interesting makes me want to crawl under the nearest rock.  I may not be feeling focused enough.  I may have other obligations I need to take care of.  I may just be plain not feeling up to it.

Generally when I feel like I’d like to delay writing, somewhere, somehow there is a feeling of fear lurking.  It might sound like “this post won’t make a difference to anyone.”  Or it might just as easily sound like “this post might make a difference to someone.”  Either way, I end up feeling some resistance to moving forward.

And here’s the part where the drumroll begins and I show you today’s solution to my resistance — some pinnable quotes I got from Pinterest.  Ta dahhhhhh.

Feel the Fear


Small Steps


The Struggle


I decided to turn to Pinterest for some inspiration for me and for you. I’m not generally a Pinterest user because I tend to feel dizzy and overwhelmed by all the visual input there and because I think Pinterest might be a little too easy for me to Procrastinate with.

But I have been itching to try different things in my posts. So I did something new, got creative, and got going on Pinterest. I found many inspirational quotes I wanted to share, and realized the ones I was drawn to really matched my message about Procrastination and Procrastination recovery.

In the process of collecting pins, I forgot to take notes on where the pins originated, and so you’re only seeing a few pins here. Though the results of my efforts were scant, I’m glad I went through this new journey to find another way to create a post.

What creative alternative route can you use to sidestep some of your own resistance? Has there been something you’ve been curious about but have not begun to explore?  

Use the pinnable quotes I chose to share here to guide you.  You will feel fear, but you can work your way through your fear.  You can take a small step today and the next day to continue making your overall efforts that much stronger. You will feel a twinge of difficulty and struggle (as I did with Pinterest) when you try your new idea, but you can then turn that into part of your new story.

Add something to your toolbox for working today.  It might be something you learned on Twitter or Pinterest.  You might use video.  You might do an interview instead of just relying on your own voice.  You get the idea.  Go have fun and try it out now.

For further inspiration, I’d like to share a wonderful post by Crystal Moody, who happens to have designed my Procrastination Coach website and logo.  In it she outlines 100 ideas for creativity and productivity.  And she and they are great.  Enjoy.


Free Webinar

I’m offering a free, informational webinar on Wednesday, June 24th at 9:00 p.m. EST. Follow this link if you’d like to learn more and/or register for it.