Severe Procrastinators are caught in a cycle of distress and delay, even when they are not actively thinking about what they are avoiding.  Chronically severe Procrastinators unfortunately are locked in that state, depleted from important needed elements of living such as sunlight, friendship, sleep, and rest.

It is important to be aware of the insidious pattern that Procrastination brings – gradually, inch by inch, we give over our daily comforts over to distress and delay.  Sometimes we give it willingly, and sometimes we don’t even notice what we are doing to ourselves and our lives.

My suggested solution to this unwanted, debilitating cycle is to break it up.  Break up your day.  Break up your field of vision.  Break up your perspective.  You get to choose the way to do this, of course.  But, here are some suggestions:

  • Inject a piece of your own creativity into your space, such as a do-it-yourself piece of art, to remind yourself you can do things
  • Build yourself a quick terrarium #notreallypossible, made of small succulents which you will likely not be able to kill, to enliven your workspace
  • Light a scented candle when you work, to remind yourself of life’s texture
  • Go outside and take a quick walk, even when it is cold outside
  • Make sure your end-of-the-evening routine includes something rewarding or sumptuous, like a good facial cleanser, to finish the day well

This is all to say, you are in charge.  Even when you are Procrastinating, you are in charge.  The more you possess that awareness and own it, the less likely you will fall victim to Procrastination’s harms.  Break it up, keep it up, and keep going.

What type of cycles do you find yourself falling into?  Do you have specific ideas or actions to get yourself out?