Do things quickly. This is one of my favorite tips of all time. When you are feeling down, curmudgeonly even, you can still decide to get it done lickety-split.
- This can apply to cleaning. Speed clean and toss things back to their homes and feel spiffy instead of house-challenged. Clean in a burst of 10 minutes instead of an energy-zapping hour. (What are you going to to with 50 EXTRA MINUTES?)
- This can apply to writing. (And no, I am not joking.) Undo your mental tension by writing just a small piece quickly. Small bits can be very rewarding to write. No use belaboring the point. While I was committed to posting here regularly, I was unsure whether I would be able to write publishable posts while I was away on my summer vacation. The idea of writing a blogpost during vacation was not a happy one. Then, I decided to give it a go. Lo and behold, I found I wrote sooo much faster. I was able to post a couple of times while I was away, and I honestly feel getting that task done quickly and as I had wanted made me enjoy my vacation time even more.
- This can apply to emotional matters. Let go of arguments and bad feelings as soon as you can. If you feel you’ve overstepped your bounds or spoken too harshly to someone, step up quickly to apologize. You could let it linger, but then you’d have to deal with the sense of yuck that happens when something is awry. If you feel someone has wronged you, tell that person directly, openly, and promptly, and address the situation that made you upset.
- This can apply to letting go. Let go of stuff that has no place in your life. Treat it like it is contagious. Or like it’s a hot potato. You get it. Don’t ruminate or reminisce. At least not about the stuff that acts as dead weight in your life.
Do you need to do everything quickly? Of course not. However, if you are feeling strapped for time or overwhelmed, try to introduce doing things quickly into your day.
As an experiment today, see how you can play with making some things go more quickly and others go more slowly. Please feel free to share whatever lessons you learn with us here.