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Celebrating 100 posts!  YAHOO!

Maintaining this blog has become a great creative outlet for me both personally and professionally.  It’s also been a tremendous learning experience.  Every time I sit down to write, it’s a new adventure.  If you’ve been following my posts for a while, you know that the adventure can be a bit hairy, but I sincerely hope you’ve found the adventure to be fun and informative too.

It doesn’t really get easier to create or to write posts, but the fact that I’ve developed a body of work and a routine of posting regularly is a big plus in favor of my keeping going rather than giving up.

I’ve also learned:

  • I can help people just by writing.
  • I can help myself by jumping in and seeing where things go without having a pre-set plan.
  • I can have low-creativity days, but I can survive them and come back from them.
  • I can fit writing work in even when I don’t think I’ll have the time.
  • I can make something out of what seems like thin air.
  • I can feel accomplished when I try new things, even when I don’t know as much as what other people know about those new things.
  • I can make great friends (e.g. those people who know those things).
  • I don’t have to make masterpieces to relay my message.
  • My message is worth working for.

Here’s another thing I learned in preparing for this 100th post:

We can scare ourselves out of just about anything.

In getting excited about this post, I also got a bit hysterical.  First, I figured I needed a really snazzy image or photo to denote the big deal of reaching 100 posts.  Then, I figured I needed some really smash-down content to denote the super big deal of reaching 100 posts.  And then, I worried I wouldn’t have either and my anxiety near shut me down.

In true blogger style, I decided to trudge on and make something of this mini-struggle of mine.  I decided to set it down as it was – my anxiety about something pretty much insignificant and totally made up by me.  You see, 100 is just a number, and it’s actually just another post.  But as Procrastinators, we know well how there are mundane moments or tasks in our lives that we somehow manage to make into momentous nightmares for ourselves, and make ourselves disabled just by our thoughts.

I hope you understand my message — you can move past your anxiety, especially if it’s crafted just perfectly by you for the occasion at hand.  Congratulate yourself on your creativity and your engagement, and then move on and do the work that needs to get done.  No drama, no excitement, just get ‘er done.

Reaching 100 posts does actually mean something to me.  It’s kind of unthinkable that a Procrastinator like me might carry through to 100.  Having readers like you, who care to change your lives for the better makes my journey worthwhile, and the work worth doing.

Here’s looking forward to the next 100.  I’m nervous already.