by Christine Li | Jul 14, 2015 | All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Resources, Thoughts
There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’ve been trying mightily to train myself to let things be. This is harder than getting a Ph.D. in Psychology y’all since I managed that but still struggle with the other. Many life moments have...
by Christine Li | Oct 21, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Thoughts
Celebrating 100 posts! YAHOO! Maintaining this blog has become a great creative outlet for me both personally and professionally. It’s also been a tremendous learning experience. Every time I sit down to write, it’s a new adventure. If you’ve been following...
by Christine Li | Jun 5, 2014 | Academic, Actions, All Posts, Techniques, Thoughts
I have a habitual problem with slowness. Not with how I walk or talk, but how I get to things. And how I get to a point of being able to focus on what I am focusing on. It is a constant, daily exercise for me to work on these struggles, and I have learned a few...
by Christine Li | May 21, 2014 | Academic, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Thoughts
When I began my graduate school training to be a clinical psychologist, I was worried. In particular, I was worried because not only was I one of the youngest in my cohort, but because I also had almost no experience in psychology. I had never done or seen an intake...
by Christine Li | Apr 23, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Social, Theories, Thoughts
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a psychologist and working with patients it’s that we are all of different speeds and intensities. No two of us are really alike in the ways I’m wanting to talk about here. Though we may be the same age, look like...
by Christine Li | Apr 19, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Theories, Thoughts
I was sorting through the day’s snail mail, when I had the thought about how very responsible I was being, sorting out the day’s mail. It was a minor thought, but really the idea of being responsible is a pretty significant one for me. I grew up feeling I was...