by Christine Li | May 6, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Resistance, Techniques
The number one problem I see while working with Procrastinators is difficulty initiating work. That doesn’t surprise me because it takes a lot to initiate something. It takes willpower, creativity, timing, preparedness, and ignoring all other distractions. All at the...
by Christine Li | Apr 23, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Social, Theories, Thoughts
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a psychologist and working with patients it’s that we are all of different speeds and intensities. No two of us are really alike in the ways I’m wanting to talk about here. Though we may be the same age, look like...
by Christine Li | Apr 16, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Thoughts
Use Your Guilt Productively. Sounds like kind of a nutty blog post title to me. I feel guilty about that, but I will get over that and try to write. As a psychologist and a person with a guilt-checkered past, I am amazed at the types of guilt I see in myself and...
by Christine Li | Apr 11, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Social, Theories, Thoughts
When we look outside of ourselves for confirmation of what we feel and do, we complicate matters a lot. We turn from knowing what we feel and do, to looking in other directions, away from ourselves. At times, we can look everywhere and anywhere else for any sign...
by Christine Li | Apr 9, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Feelings, Resistance, Social
Let people know of changes in your life, both big and small. It will be calming for you and them. Here are some situations you might need to let others know about: Did you oversleep? Did you run overtime? Do you feel regretful over what you did? Did you change your...
by Christine Li | Mar 28, 2014 | Actions, All Posts, Resistance, Social, Techniques
I wholeheartedly believe one of the more major ways to beat Procrastination is to communicate well. There are myriad reasons we may feel unable to communicate well: wanting to be polite wanting to not seem pushy wanting to be agreeable wanting to not seem greedy...