Try These Techniques to Reduce Your Distractibility
We are immensely creative beings, we humans. And for that, sometimes we pay dearly. We make ourselves crazy with running around, trying to cover everything and not forget everything, while also making sure we never miss a Facebook post or the latest tweet. It’s...
I Imagine Dragons Now
Imagine Dragons Video - "It's Time" At the risk of sounding like a teenager, I write today’s post. Over the weekend, I had the good fortune to be able to attend the Imagine Dragons concert. I almost missed out on this opportunity, because I had a lot of work to...
Adding the Awesomeness of Momentum
My new favorite concept and word is momentum. I looked up the word and one definition that appeals to me is this one: “strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.” I do think it is an interesting idea, that once in movement you get more movement. ...
Write Your Own Equations
So often making a change involves changing our old equations. By equations I mean the stories we tell ourselves about how we are supposed to do things. For instance, if I am going to feel important, I must be involved in as many activities as I can possibly get...
Guest Post: Starter Tips for Making a Life Less Busy
I'm very excited to introduce a new friend of mine, Liz Smith, who has recently started a lovely and heartfelt blog called The Less Busy Life. The following guest post from Liz will help us all learn how to free up our lives by simplifying, making choices, and going...
When Your Mind Goes in Circles
I am writing this post because of a few recent minor events which happened to me and to my blogging efforts. One thing that happened was one of my older posts was re-sent to subscribers to this blog. So readers received the same thing twice. The next thing that...
Amplify Your Presence
I've spent a good deal of my life struggling with feeling invisible. In different ways. As someone in my earlier days who had more ideas than ways to articulate them. As an ethnic minority unsure of how to represent myself in my community. As someone insecure about...
How Simplicity Leads to Well-Being
Live Simply. Easy for you to say. It seems a great irony to me that living simply needs to be the more intentional way of living these days. It is an active process of removing unnecessary items and matters from your life, and then having more room for what you...
On Working Too Hard
It has struck me lately the irony that procrastinators work too hard. After all, the common perception of procrastinators is we're not working at all. But that common perception is really only partially true. I think all procrastinators know that. We are hard-core...
Be Braver Than You Think You Are
Working as a psychologist for many years has its perks. And I am not talking 401(K)-type benefits. I tend to think of them as my own private perks. Here's a sampling: I hear people tell me things they have never spoken openly about before. Perk for me: I get to see...
Step of the Day: Make an Anti-Gratitude List
Sure, I’m up for being grateful each day as much as the next person. And I do believe whole-heartedly in the benefits of having a sense of appreciation for the things we are, have, and experience. I also believe in the power of focusing in on what is bugging us. And...
Reality Is Exciting Enough
So often we let our minds wander. We enjoy prancing through the fields of fantasy. Unfortunately for some Procrastinators, these meanderings through the fields are akin to what we call our "biggest nightmare.” We can think the worst very easily and creatively. We...
Assume You Look Good
Some Procrastinators often make their already difficult schedules even more difficult, by taking on more than they need to. Although they are swamped by work and burdened by upcoming or recently passed deadlines, they offer to do more. I tend to call this affliction...
Who Are You Hiding?
We may waste a lot of time in our lives pretending to be people we are not. We may pretend to be: compliant silent a go-getter solid confident perfect agreeable a do-er This game of pretend may have started many years back, early in your childhood even, when you...
Techniques to Try: Just Do Half
[Tweet "Half is better than none when there are things to be done."] Being a Procrastinator often means being stuck in the middle of things. You’ve started something, and before you know it, you’re on to something else. You’ve decided you are going to work on a...
Ensure Your Own Comfort
Severe Procrastinators are caught in a cycle of distress and delay, even when they are not actively thinking about what they are avoiding. Chronically severe Procrastinators unfortunately are locked in that state, depleted from important needed elements of living...