Start Your Engines

The number one problem I see while working with Procrastinators is difficulty initiating work. That doesn’t surprise me because it takes a lot to initiate something. It takes willpower, creativity, timing, preparedness, and ignoring all other distractions. All at the...

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Now It’s Personal

I have been thinking about what it means to be personal lately. The first thing that got me thinking was when my blogging coach Courtney Carver persuaded me to write from a personal vantage point on this blog.  I really wanted to believe I had already been writing in...

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A Quick Note on Insecurity

I think it’s interesting when I suggest to a psychotherapy patient that they should consider coming in twice a week for treatment instead of just once, if even for a short time, the answer most inevitably is, “You think I’m really that messed up?”  From my...

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Resources: Twitter in My Pocket

I have hesitated to post about using Twitter because I am very new to the Twitter scene and because I am pretty sure Twitter can be used as a method of Procrastinating, rather than a resource for avoiding Procrastination.  That said, I am pushing forward with the post...

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road map

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