What If You Could Expand Your Point of View?
I've recently been making it a habit of spending my hour-long commute listening to audiobooks and podcasts. If you haven't yet tried either or both formats of learning, I highly recommend you do. Not only are you able to sample content and information from a great...
Name Your Fears
In my work as a psychologist, I listen to patients and the fears they harbor. Since I tend to work with Procrastinators, the fears I hear about most frequently go like this: fear of making mistakes: we worry about doing something the wrong way fear of being awkward:...
On Strengthening Your Capacity to Trust
Procrastinators are known to have problems with getting work done. I wonder, often, if there is something more to Procrastination other than the actual work. In my experience working with clients who are trying to recover from chronic Procrastination, the root of...
One of the most useful techniques I learned while training to be a psychologist was to avoid starting questions with “why” when addressing my patients. You ask, “Why why?” It is a great, easy way to start off a question or conversation, and it is very direct. It...
Don't Insist On Clarity
Procrastinators are great at telling themselves what to do and what not to do. Unfortunately, many of those directions are rooted in a need for total clarity. Procrastinators tend not to act if there is an absence of clarity. In case I’m not making sense yet, here...
Step of the Day: Make a Move You Can Squeeze in Today
Over the course of a single day, we are involved in several different types of conversations. As a Procrastinator, you may have difficulty with a particular type of conversation, or, you may have difficulty starting any type of conversation. I thought it might be...
5 Ways to Get Moving When You are Really Stuck
Lately, I seem to be feeling stuck every day. Whether it’s an e-mail I don’t want to reply to or an uncomfortable interpersonal dynamic I don’t want to address, it seems I am in a bad run kind of way. There are so many reasons we can get really stuck. So stuck that:...
The 30/30 App: A Free Tool to Boost Your Focus and Productivity
The 30/30 App I have been very excited to share my love for the 30/30 app for some time. I have been busy telling the people in my off-line life about it first. Now, it's time for me to tell you about it. How the 30/30 app works: First of all, this app is...
Techniques to Try: Finding Time
One of the most useful techniques I have ever learned to beat Procrastination is to find time where it might otherwise have been lost. Over the years, I have been amazed at the power this one technique has. Jane Burka and Lenore Yuen, authors of Procrastination: Why...
Breaking Free from Clutter: A Conversation with Diane Elkins of PositiveWorkspace.com
Clutter is a topic of endless fascination for me. Perhaps that's because I seem to be constantly staring at it. I have spent the better part of many, many years trying to get a handle on my clutter problem, as I know deep inside my clutter-burdened heart there is a...
What are the Key Elements in Procrastination Coaching?
I have always found it curious that there are so remarkably few resources for those of us who Procrastinate. Perhaps the biggest reason this is so surprising to me is because so many of us suffer from this same affliction of delay, avoidance, and distress in the face...
8 Things that are Standing in the Way of Lasting Change
I'm really pleased to introduce this guest post by my new friend and kindred spirit, Susaye Rattigan. I discovered her ultra-informative post on LifeHack -- 25 Incredibly Useful Websites Every Entrepreneur Should Bookmark -- and then found another post by her on...
On Disappointment (and a little bit of Alicia Florrick)
Disappointment. What a thoroughly nasty topic. We can feel disappointed when: we let ourselves down we eat or drink too much we watch too much Netflix or Amazon Prime (I just discovered what binge watching feels like) we let other people down we experience loss our...
13 Ways to Recover from the Pain and Suffering Caused by Procrastination
Although I still Procrastinate, I’d like to think I have successfully managed to lessen the pain and suffering I used to go through during my days of Procrastinating-all-of-the-time. As I read through my Twitter feed, I can get my hands on many lists of ways to stop...
What Kind of Guarantee Do You Need?
One of the ways I have mostly managed to overcome my Procrastination is to understand there are no guarantees for how things turn out. In working with many different types of Procrastinators, I've noticed a not-so-subtle theme -- Procrastinators control, delay, and...
Step of the Day: Partner with Someone
One of my personal specialties is pretending I don't have real problems with Procrastination. One of my oldest tricks in getting people to believe this and in actually getting some work done is partnering with a friend or colleague (or total stranger) in order to get...