Try This 5-Point Technique to Conquer Your Fear of Moving Forward
When I work with clients, I hear about a lot of fears. Those fears never scare me. You know why? Because I have no idea whether those fears will become real or not. Please remember me telling you "I have no idea" the next time you think of asking me about what...
20 Simple Strategies to Stop Your Procrastination [+ a Free Download]
My goal today is to be simple. Simple tends to get things done, I think. Procrastination operates by making things more complicated: Instead of dealing with just our present-moment tasks, we have to deal with the ones we are behind on too. Our minds become...
7 Ways to Save Time across Your Day
When people ask me "How do you teach people how to recover from Procrastination?" my typical response has been "Step by step." I think that response is the most accurate one I can come up with. Everyone has a different path of recovery to travel, but each person...
2 Ways to Make Starting Easier That Have Nothing to Do With Motivation
The following post is brought to you by my new friend, Shaun Flanders of Zero to Habit. Shaun kindly reached out to me after I made a comment on someone else's site, and that sparked a great, mutually-supportive blogger relationship. I hope you'll take a moment to...
5 Areas that Procrastinators Have All Wrong
"What a waste." What kind of feelings did you just have reading the phrase "What a waste?" Did you feel guilty? Did you feel ashamed? Did the phrase sound really familiar? I grew up being pretty conscious of not wasting things, like food and material items....
Why Do Procrastinators Suffer?
I hesitated to use the word "suffer" in the title for fear of turning everyone who might read this post away. However, I think it is important for me to address ALL issues relevant to Procrastinators and not just the cute ones. In my experience, Procrastinators,...
One Quirky Thing about Procrastinators
I have been wanting to write this post for years. You see, every time I meet a Procrastinator in my office (or on a coaching call), I spend the first session getting to know my new client by interviewing them about their personal history and their current...
8 End-of-Year Maneuvers for Procrastinators
I don't know about you, but the end of the year has me cleaning. As in wiping, dusting, tossing, and fixing up my surroundings at home and at work. It's a way to admit to myself that I get a bit stymied by the thought of the year ending. It's also a way to keep...
7 Ways to Get More Comfortable Taking More Risks
Procrastination is a very elaborate way to prevent ourselves from taking risks. We get trapped in our fearful thinking. We obsess about everything that could go wrong and everything that already is wrong. We imagine how humiliated we might end up feeling. We decide...
Let’s Try to Avoid the Tendency to Think SMALL
As a psychologist, I'm able to see patterns in the types of topics my patients talk about. They often resemble what I see within my own life, but since I'm intently focused when I'm working, I tend to see these types of patterns more clearly when I'm at work. One...
Stop Trying to Be Impressive and Discover How You Really Stand Out
In so many ways, the experience of making it to adulthood involves a constant stream of needing to impress others and to perform to others’ standards. And that is just what’s involved in getting a proper education. Add the need to dress fashionably, to speak without...
How Have You Been Lying Lately?
I think it's about time I wrote about lying. It's such an important topic in the sphere of Procrastination. There are so many different types of lying, I could categorize and describe them all day. But since none of us has all day for that, I will just talk about a...
How to Empower Yourself by Identifying Your Internal Conflicts
Why should I put myself out there? In some ways, Procrastinators are really really smart. They know what's up when they say to themselves -- "If no one is looking, why should I put myself out there?" After all, if we don't put ourselves out there, then: time stands...
On the Importance of Developing Compassion for Yourself (a.k.a. Life without the Jackhammer)
This week I found myself going around in circles creatively, and not in a good way. I had just finished a few major projects, including wrapping up teaching my on-line course, Open to the Possibilities. I was left with a little more time on my hands, and nothing...
How to Develop a New Habit and to Break Old Ones (with a Free Download)
Repetition is your friend. Repetition allows you to get comfortable. It allows you to feel at ease in your performance. It allows you to preserve your mental space for more complex matters you need to concentrate on. But sometimes, being able to repeat certain...
How to Get Rid of the Most Potent Factor Causing You to Procrastinate
Let's try to figure out what's getting in your way. Why can't you finish what you've started? Why do your ideas never see the light of day? Why can't you introduce yourself to that cute new neighbor of yours? Why is your workspace a cluttered mess? Here's my opinion...