What You Need to Know to Stop Procrastinating
What in the world do we have to do to stop procrastinating? Procrastination is super sneaky and annoying. None of us wants to procrastinate routinely, but many of us get trapped into the never-ending cycle of delay - stress - embarrassment - sleep deprivation - delay...
How to Perform at Your Best Even When You Have Anxiety
When I do coaching or psychotherapy with clients who struggle with procrastination, I almost always end up discussing the topic of anxiety. Anxiety causes us to doubt our natural abilities, making us more vulnerable to procrastination and a whole host of other fears....
How to Cope with Your Fear of Change
Fear has a way of taking our spirits down. When we fear our own actions, we cannot generate enough energy to think, to guess, or to push our thoughts forward. When we fear others’ judgments, we cannot turn papers in, we cannot decide what might be best to say, we...
How to Use Your Schedule to Find More Time for Yourself
Time is very tricky. Time can slide by us. Time can get away from us. We can throw time away. We can crave more time. We can even arrange our schedule so to make more time for ourselves. Fascinating. (Let's do that last one.) I want to help you feel like you...
How to Leave Your Negative Mindset in the Dust
Procrastinators are oftentimes victims of their own negative mindset. Rather than coaching themselves towards success, Procrastinators lean towards doom and gloom, predicting humiliation and failure for themselves. It is no wonder then, that Procrastination tends...
What Is the Most Important Factor for Consistent Productivity?
Both procrastinators and non-procrastinators yearn to be more productive. There are lots of strategies, tools, and techniques to assist us in our work and daily lives these days, but even with that assistance, many people find consistent productivity hard to achieve....
How to Boost Your Mindset and Motivation
I have learned over years of coaching and counseling many clients, that it is of utmost importance to understand the nature of a person’s mindset before trying to help them with anything else. Without knowing what kind of mindset the client has and understanding how...
My Latest Greatest Secret Weapon for Getting Things Done
Getting things done is a high-priority item for me since I've recovered from chronic Procrastination. Alongside my recovery has been an avid interest in exploring tools, tricks, and apps that might help me to get things done more quickly and easily. I want to share...
25 Questions to Help You Make Positive Changes in Your Life
Have you ever wondered why it can feel so difficult to make positive changes in your life? What I have learned from working with my psychotherapy and coaching clients over the past 20 years is this -- None of us is lacking in desire to make positive changes. It is...
5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Focus and Attention Span
How many of you would like to improve your focus and attention span? Okay, don’t go crazy. Pipe down. I know there aren’t many of us who would turn down that opportunity. Yet there are so many of us who have difficulty knowing how to start or work when we: have too...
The Simple 5-Step Plan to Avoid Distractions
We live in the era of distractions. There is no doubt about this. The number of distractions we face each day seems endless. When we get mired in the larger web of distractions, including the internet, busywork, errands, e-mail, and shopping, we can lose sight of the...
9 Communication Strategies for Peak Productivity at Work
In our efforts to be productive, sometimes we cut corners, thinking if we can just push through to the end of the project we’re working on, everything will be okay. Oftentimes, we cut out important communication steps from our work routine, just to save a few minutes...
7 Ways to Stop Anxiety from Blocking Your Productivity
One of the key strategies I teach to help people improve their productivity and to fight their anxiety is this: SEPARATE YOUR FEELINGS FROM YOUR WORK AS BEST AS YOU CAN. This is not to say that we should not care about our work. It's that we should not care so much...
6 Simple Steps to Resolve Problems Quickly [+ a Questionnaire to Get You Started]
What unresolved problems do you have in your life right now? How much distress are you under because of them? Let's find a way out and forward. Procrastinators tend to sit on piles of problems. Unfinished projects, undelivered mail, ideas unfulfilled. One way to...
7 Techniques to Save YouTime and to Keep You Organized
How do we deal with the seeming onslaught of to-do's? How do we prevent ourselves from falling into the same old time-wasting traps? Sometimes it can feel like we might never get caught up, and indeed, our lives may be so full that we may never get caught up....
What Can Minimalism Offer to Procrastinators?
Why all the fuss about Minimalism lately? How might it be relevant to you in your attempts to recover from Procrastination? My plan today is: to describe some of my own history with Minimalism and how it enabled me to embrace Procrastination recovery; to share...