Should’ve, Could’ve
"Well, I should've started it way before I did, and if I had, I could've made it terrific." "Should've." "Could've." Sound familiar? When we use the words "should've" and "could've" we diminish what we have actually done and turn our gaze backwards towards the...
When We Fail to Communicate
When we fail to communicate, a few things can happen: people get nervous we get anxious people are forced to use their imagination to guess where you are and what you are doing trust begins to erode Rather than spending time considering whether you should let others...
Choosing to Move Forward
When we stop doing what we need to do for an extended period of time, a general malaise results. Our stress is no longer about the one thing that got us started procrastinating; it develops into a broader sense of dread and stagnation. Possibilities and options seem...
Welcome to the Procrastination Coach Blog
I welcome you to the Procrastination Coach Blog and look forward to interacting and helping you via my blog posts. I choose ideas for posts if I feel they will help readers to move forward in their personal and professional lives. The posts are a mix of: 1) comments...