Asking for Help

Asking for help can conjure up a lot of feelings.  We can feel stupid, burdensome, out of place, out of line, incompetent.  Great list of feelings, ey?  No wonder Procrastinators, who are often feeling these feelings anyway, have difficulty knowing how and when to ask...

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To Tell the Truth

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" -- Unknown Whoever came up with that saying was a bit of a genius, I'd say. The truth is a great, solid, knowable concept, but Procrastinators have a tendency to shy away from it.  Procrastinators lie to themselves, e.g. when they tell...

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Do Things Quickly

Do things quickly.  This is one of my favorite tips of all time.  When you are feeling down, curmudgeonly even, you can still decide to get it done lickety-split. This can apply to cleaning.  Speed clean and toss things back to their homes and feel spiffy instead of...

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Move Toward the Task

Always, as much as possible, move toward the task.  I mean with all the parts of yourself -- physical, spiritual, emotional, and cognitive.  All these different components of you are part of your capacity to work towards your goals.  It does not suffice to come up...

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Embrace Transition

Over the past year, I have learned to value the importance of transition.  I don't know why it has taken me this long, but now that my eyes are open to the importance of transition, I cannot help but see people in transition wherever I look.  Since I work primarily...

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Perfectionism Dreams: Part 2

So, in between the last post and this one, you've stopped being a perfectionist, right?  Just a little joke to empathize with the reality that perfectionism is a really hard habit to break.  I recommend you think about dropping this maladaptive style of doing things. ...

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Perfectionism Dreams: Part 1

Dreaming of being perfect.  One of my favorite pastimes.  I still do this despite the fact that I know better.  I know better because I know perfectionism hurts, and I know I am really prone to acting imperfectly.  That said, I thought it would be helpful to share...

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Zero-Value Thoughts

  Oftentimes, while we are procrastinating, we launch into a series of thoughts about our work or our predicament that seems -- if only I had my red pen, then I would be able to do this better last year would have been a much better year for me...

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Uncertainty.  Quite a blog topic.  Uncertainty can make us crazy.  Can make us worry.  Can make us dread.  Can make us stop dead in our tracks.  There will be times when we are more aware of Uncertainty with a capital "U": when we make transitions when we think about...

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Work Like You Drive

When you are trying to find that cool new Mexican restaurant, you've got a purpose and a goal in mind.  While you are in your car, though you've never been to this part of town, you follow directions and drive, drive, drive.  You wouldn't stop your car and worry about...

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My Model for Change

While working as a psychologist and a Procrastination Coach, I have heard many stories and given much counsel.  As part of this give-and-take process, I have found myself returning to the same ideas to guide my thoughts and actions.  These principles are also the...

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Get Ahead of Yourself

Take care of things ahead of time.  Duh, you say.  I say that because we miss pain-free ways to get ourselves ahead.  And Procrastinators benefit from every little bit of getting themselves ahead. Here are just a few ideas to help you get started: let people know your...

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Stop Yellin’, Will Ya?

I think it is interesting that we often yell at ourselves when we don't know what to do next.  It's like the image of a parent scolding their toddler as they are just learning to walk, but unsure of their next step -- totally destabilizing.  It's a ridiculous image,...

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Get Rid of Your Guilt

Get rid of your guilt.  I know...easy for me to say.  I feel I need to emphasize this particular suggestion because guilt has such a powerful, negative effect on people.  After working for many years as a psychologist and coach, I have decided that guilt is the single...

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What If?

Be careful about using these two words -- What if?  Very careful.  I have learned to brace myself when I hear these words because I know I'm about to go on a rollercoaster ride through the fantasy land of rampant worry (my favorite summertime vacation destination)....

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