
Practicing Gratitude

Procrastinators can have a difficult time getting around to feeling grateful.  They may be chronically stressed, perpetually depleted, constantly bemoaning their plight.  Feeling grateful may just seem like a ridiculous waste of time. I think the trick about feeling...

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Hiding is a pretty critical part of being a Procrastinator.  By describing some of the different types of hiding Procrastinators do, I hope to help you figure out your own modus operandi so you can start living without hiding again soon. Hiding in Plain Sight...

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What Constrains Us

This post was written (and published earlier this week) as a guest post for Positive Workspace, a wonderful site replete with useful and thoughtful information and resources on developing a positive relationship to work.  I hope you like it. It’s funny how sometimes...

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What To Do When You Feel Depleted

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by what we have planned for ourselves.  When those times come around, we often believe we have no way around what is happening to us.  It is when we feel most stuck that we need the most help.  Here are a few things you can do when you...

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