Step of the Day: Plan for More Piggies
Part of my laundry room refresh project involved purchasing a small piggy bank to help manage the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters that seem to hold meetings and conferences in my laundry machines. Why is this relevant, you say? First, it solved my problem of...
Practicing Patience
In the middle of a recent yoga class I was in (actually, in the middle of a pose I was stretching to do), my yoga teacher said, “It’s not about the end pose, it’s about what you learn about yourself trying to get there.” I found myself struck by the wisdom of the...
Stay True to Your Own Style
Last week I posted about doing a group project and learning how to work quickly. If you missed the post, you can read it here. I'm writing today because I learned some more after all was said and done. I had learned how to take shortcuts, how to think on my feet...
Reading Your Own Signals
A few days ago, I wrote about getting rid of something that was nagging at you. I think the idea is important enough to elaborate on here. I have read the “unconscious” is a part of us where our unfinished business lies. In my own imagination, I think of it as a...
The Trap of Perfectionism
Okay, so the holiday season is pretty much over, and we are headed back into work mode, routine mode, busy, busy mode. Right now, I feel pretty good about going back to work, because I learned (inadvertently) a trick or two about working while I was on my two-week...
Assume the Best in Others
I think assuming the best in others is probably something Procrastinators are terrible at. Rotten at even. We take on projects, which are straightforward, simple even, and then we complicate them. A lot. Mostly by making the whole affair more about what the other...
Making 2014 Really Happy
I hope you have had a restful and/or fun holiday season and New Year’s celebration. I hope this year brings much happiness into your life. To start the year off in the “happy” mode we crave and tend to enjoy, here’s a list of thoughts to get us there: 1. Deal...
Best of 2013
I’ve noticed other bloggers doing an end-of-year roundup of their best posts. I’m still getting the hang of this blogging idea, and I haven’t even been blogging an entire year, but here goes. I think the best post for me this year was my first. Not because it was...
Looking Forward to 2014 (More Calmly)
As the New Year 2014 approaches, I'm finding I want to use the time remaining in 2013 to wrap up some loose ends. That is my typical approach to facing the new year changeover. I actually try to finish a few things. I have never been good at either making...
Happy Holidays from Procrastination Coach!
Greetings and Happy Holiday wishes from me to you today. During this season, which can feel hectic and discombobulating, I wish for you a few gifts that don't come with wrap, paper, or bows: a calm mind an accepting heart an understanding of how unique you are a...
Too Much To Do: The Foot-in-the-Door Technique
When I help students figure out how to get through a week or two of multiple assignments for different classes, I teach them my version of the Foot-in-the-Door technique. I learned the technique when I was in my Social Psychology class in graduate school. The idea,...
Tips for Success in College (and Beyond): Volume I
The majority of my patients are college students, and working with this group of people is a great privilege. I get to watch people grow in leaps and bounds and rework and refine their personal styles of interacting with the world as they go. I have found that...
Undoing Control
We don't really ever have as much control as we'd like or as much as we think we need. We spend a lot of time and energy trying to forget that. We try to permify the present by compiling mementos, snapping pictures, filing things, writing in journals, and perfecting...
Techniques to Try: Use the Emergent Task Planner
It is amazing what a single sheet of paper can do. When I tell my patients to download the free version of the Emergent Task Planner, many don't bother, thinking, perhaps that this is just another task to fall behind on or to forget. Those who listen and use the...
The Importance of Having Patience for Yourself
Patience. Not my middle name. If it were my middle name, I would have been named incorrectly. Although I was not given the benefit of patience for myself by birth, I think I have learned a good deal about the process of developing patience as an adult. In my own...
Practicing Gratitude
Procrastinators can have a difficult time getting around to feeling grateful. They may be chronically stressed, perpetually depleted, constantly bemoaning their plight. Feeling grateful may just seem like a ridiculous waste of time. I think the trick about feeling...