Practicing Patience

In the middle of a recent yoga class I was in (actually, in the middle of a pose I was stretching to do), my yoga teacher said, “It’s not about the end pose, it’s about what you learn about yourself trying to get there.”  I found myself struck by the wisdom of the...

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Stay True to Your Own Style

Last week I posted about doing a group project and learning how to work quickly.  If you missed the post, you can read it here. I'm writing today because I learned some more after all was said and done.  I had learned how to take shortcuts, how to think on my feet...

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The Trap of Perfectionism

Okay, so the holiday season is pretty much over, and we are headed back into work mode, routine mode, busy, busy mode.  Right now, I feel pretty good about going back to work, because I learned (inadvertently) a trick or two about working while I was on my two-week...

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Best of 2013

I’ve noticed other bloggers doing an end-of-year roundup of their best posts.  I’m still getting the hang of this blogging idea, and I haven’t even been blogging an entire year, but here goes.  I think the best post for me this year was my first.  Not because it was...

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Happy Holidays from Procrastination Coach!

Greetings and Happy Holiday wishes from me to you today.  During this season, which can feel hectic and discombobulating, I wish for you a few gifts that don't come with wrap, paper, or bows: a calm mind an accepting heart an understanding of how unique you are a...

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Practicing Gratitude

Procrastinators can have a difficult time getting around to feeling grateful.  They may be chronically stressed, perpetually depleted, constantly bemoaning their plight.  Feeling grateful may just seem like a ridiculous waste of time. I think the trick about feeling...

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