
Ensure Your Own Comfort

Severe Procrastinators are caught in a cycle of distress and delay, even when they are not actively thinking about what they are avoiding.  Chronically severe Procrastinators unfortunately are locked in that state, depleted from important needed elements of living...

Practicing Patience

In the middle of a recent yoga class I was in (actually, in the middle of a pose I was stretching to do), my yoga teacher said, “It’s not about the end pose, it’s about what you learn about yourself trying to get there.”  I found myself struck by the wisdom of the...

Stay True to Your Own Style

Last week I posted about doing a group project and learning how to work quickly.  If you missed the post, you can read it here. I'm writing today because I learned some more after all was said and done.  I had learned how to take shortcuts, how to think on my feet...