Maya Angelou Amazing QuoteRecently I’ve come to think Procrastinators may be overly conscious about fitting in.  For example, we may be more likely to think…

Is it good enough?

rather than

Does it stand out?

We may be more likely to worry…

Does it sound right?

instead of asking

Have I said what I meant to?

The desire to fit in or to conform may be a natural, instinctual need we work to fulfill. Marketing, ads, and anyone in the business of convincing you to do something (even your parents, ahem), play to your “pain points” (this is an actual term in marketing circles). They remind you you ache to conform and then you feel the pressing need to buy or to do something to feel like those you’re seeking to be like.  This is relevant for Procrastinators who are often caught in a limbo, in-between state of functioning, caught in a cycle questioning the worthiness of their work or of what they are producing.

Will I fit in once I let go of my work or WILL I BE REJECTED?

We may not be aware of our fear of interpersonal rejection.  We just thought the grammar wasn’t checked closely enough, right??

I invite you to take a closer look at your motivations for staying stuck.  What is really happening when you Procrastinate?

Are you having trouble with your actual work or your fear?

Are there people you may be worried about satisfying or impressing?  Is impressing others more important to you than doing your best work?

Are you changing your work in ways you don’t like in order to minimize your fears?

Try to shift your mindset to one where you occupy a truly open workspace where your work is received for what it is, without critique or comparison to others’ work.  It might feel like mental contortion for a while, but trust me, you’ll get there.  When you do, evaluate — How do I feel about releasing my work now?

Join me as I try to be a bit weird on Facebook.  One of my ideas for 2015 was to explore what the Facebook Universe has to offer a blog like Procrastination Coach.  I’d be very pleased if you decided to “Like” my Facebook page and follow along.