I don’t know about you, but the end of the year has me cleaning.  As in wiping, dusting, tossing, and fixing up my surroundings at home and at work.  It’s a way to admit to myself that I get a bit stymied by the thought of the year ending.  It’s also a way to keep myself from living with dirt and grime #ewwww.

Thinking that I might not be the only person on the planet who gets twerked up at the end of the year, I thought I would lend you a hand.  I’ve already got a handwritten manifesto of how I’m going to declutter three rooms in my house, so I’m good.  Now here’s looking at you…

8 End-of-Year Maneuvers for Procrastinators

1.  Connect with someone you love and have been meaning to reach out to.  Someone who has recently experienced loss?  Someone who moved away?  A teacher who was fantastic?  A newspaper deliverer, bus driver, or post office person? Your barista guy or gal?

2.  Say no to excess stuff, meetings, and projects.  There will be time in the future for more.  For now, take advantage of having the opportunity to create a schedule with less. Less of everything.  It will be okay.

3.  Dump anything unnecessary from your life.  If it isn’t working for you, leave it.  If it blocks or drains your energy, say “Goodbye.”  Toss the clutter and feel lighter and refreshed immediately.

4.  Do one thing that promotes your health.  Make it a habit to floss daily.  Eat some more vegetables each day.  Get outside more.  I tell you, the app on my phone that tracks my steps during the day may have already added another year to my life.

5.  Set something up to look forward to.  I used to be terrible at this, and I still have much room to improve in this area.  It’s the planning, people.  Figure out a day, a long weekend, a vacation week coming up that you’d like to plan out.  Do a quick Google search for some ideas, discuss options with your loved ones, and schedule it.  Go ahead and lock it down. Enjoy the good feelings that come with knowing fun lies ahead, long before the actual date comes around.

6.  Complete something you have been procrastinating on by the end of the year. Let someone else know about your plans, before and after they are completed. Don’t walk into 2016 with extra baggage.  Get done what needs to get done. You still have a number of days left.  You can do it.  Do a little piece of it each day and log your progress. Make the end of this year your absolute deadline.  Why?  If you ask me, I wouldn’t say because the New Year is a big deal.  It’s not.  But your Procrastination is, and you can take steps to get rid of it today.

7.  Pick a word to guide you in the upcoming year.  My word is FLOURISH.  It’s a word that came to me when I was thinking of words to guide my next year.  The dictionary definition makes the word sound awesome.  Flourishing involves 1) growing luxuriantly, 2) achieving success, 3) being in a state of activity or production, and 4) to reach a height of development or influence.  Well, why the hell not?  I just wish my word for my 2016 year didn’t have FLOUR in it #glutenfreegirl.

8.  Design a vision board for what you are hoping to accomplish and to receive in 2016.  Please don’t get nervous about this one.  You don’t have to be creative to get this task done.  Take a moment to envision what you would like for yourself next year. Health? Wealth?  Ease?  Friendship?  Productivity?  Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to keep your eyes on your goal.  I read something this morning that indicates we do all sorts of things, like exercise, to get to our intended goals.  Why not expand this exercise to encompass our larger aims?  It’s not silly at all.  It’s setting our intentions.  Write and doodle your goals down, and then keep that vision board posted near your workspace.  If you’d like inspiration for your vision board, check out Diane Bleck’s tutorial here.