7 Easy Ways to Overcome Your Procrastination

Do you have a habit of trying to escape your work?  Or anything that might require some effort?

You are not alone.  It has become all too easy to get lost in distraction and to ignore the work we need or want to do.

That distraction zone has its drawbacks, of course.  We can feel:

• ashamed about not progressing with what we’ve promised others we’d do

• zoned out by our constant need to find new ways of avoiding our work

• exhausted about thinking about the work we need to do

• frustrated by our seeming lack of discipline and willpower

• helpless in making good on our hopes for ourselves

Fortunately, none of us has to stay stuck inside the procrastination doom loop forever.  There are many ways out.  The following is a list of strategies that are very effective at keeping even the most hard-core procrastinators on track:

7 Easy Ways to Overcome Your Procrastination

  1. Break your current habit pattern. If you run to the shopping mall every time you have a project due, you’ve got yourself a pattern.  Figure out what your own pattern is.  What is the trigger for your procrastination?  Is it frustration?  Fear?  Confusion?  Lack of structure in your schedule?  Whatever the trigger is, identify it and then develop a new habit to get into the next time the trigger occurs.  Instead of escaping to the mall, you might try 30″ of brainstorming on your project instead.
  2. Make a specific commitment to yourself.  So often we fail to make progress because we don’t have a clear idea of what we are really aiming to do.  Take the time to set a target goal or vision.  It will be well worth the extra effort.
  3. Stop focusing on everything all at once.  When clients tell me they are overwhelmed, I immediately know what the problem is.  Too much thinking, not enough focus.  Learn to narrow your view and to look at one thing at a time.  You’ll feel smarter and more in control right away!
  4. Go public.  The best way I’ve found to beat any feelings of resistance to working is joining forces with other people who need to work too.  Letting other people know you are planning to work will boost your motivation to get cracking.
  5. Start tracking your actions.  This suggestion might have you quaking in your boots.  Why?  Because you will need to hold yourself accountable for your own actions.  It is okay.  You can do this, and you will enjoy the fun feeling of success once you do.
  6. Celebrate every single step forward, no matter how small.  Be your own most enthusiastic supporter and coach.  Don’t forget this all-important step.
  7. Envision yourself as already having reached your goal.  If your mind can see you at the finish line, your mind and body can more easily get you there.  Don’t skip this step either!

You can transform your identity from procrastinator to go-getter in a very short amount of time.  Make sure to treat yourself kindly and well, with patience and positive words.  If you find yourself getting off course, review the list of tips again and get started again.  Step by step.  Easy does it.  You will get there when you put the effort in.

Interested in a complete game plan for reaching your goals?  Then you’re going to l-o-v-e my upcoming free webinar: “The 7-Step Framework for Sticking to Your Commitments and Getting Things Done.”  When you join the webinar training, you’ll learn my reliable system for bypassing the urge to procrastinate so you can do what you know you can do.  I look forward to seeing you on the webinar call!  Use this link to register and to save your spot for the webinar happening Tuesday, July 16th, at 8 pm ET –> GET YOUR REGISTRATION LINK HERE