30 Mistakes Procrastinators Make

One of the most annoying aspects about procrastination is it’s so difficult to get away from it once you start.  There are a bunch of mistakes procrastinators make that make it feel impossible to escape the procrastination trap.  Below is a list of 30 mistakes procrastinators make so you can evaluate for yourself which behavior you might need to change or let go of.

The Biggest Mistakes Procrastinators Make

Let’s fix the mistakes that are getting in our way.  Which of these mistakes, misconceptions, and broken strategies are preventing you from living to your potential?

  1. overworking
  2. losing sleep
  3. ignoring social life and friends
  4. lying to others
  5. ignoring your physical health in order to keep working
  6. binge eating
  7. binge Netflix-ing
  8. self-criticizing
  9. believing that work needs to be “non-stop”
  10. feeling stupid or not good enough
  11. believing that work needs to be “perfect”
  12. believing there is a “right” time to start
  13. comparing yourself to others
  14. obsessing over every word and comma
  15. overthinking
  16. only thinking
  17. only feeling
  18. worrying about what other people will think
  19. rationalizing the continuation of the delay – “I deserve to have more ice cream now.”
  20. dissociating from feelings
  21. ignoring the intuition that knows the work can be done
  22. delivering presentations exhausted or while in a brain fog
  23. failing to schedule and to plan
  24. failing to have a small, workable project to work on
  25. believing you have no ability to create or to contribute
  26. endless writing of drafts
  27. endless researching
  28. failing to invest in your self-development with time, money, or mentors
  29. doing everything solo
  30. personalizing the work

Does this list ring some loud bells?  If so, keep reading…

So…What’s Next?

The good news is even small changes can make a significant difference in our progress.  It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been stuck in the procrastination vortex, as long as we commit to finding our way out.

There is no need to spend any more time regretting the time we’ve lost or the decisions we’ve made.  That kind of thinking will just keep us weighed down.  Let’s find a way to lighten up, to change direction, and to commit to taking action.  You’ll see a real difference in a very short amount of time.

A New Framework for Getting Things Done

Let’s take the 30 mistakes procrastinators make and transform them into a framework for stopping the procrastination habit.  When you work within this framework on a daily basis, you’ll find yourself getting more things done, and procrastination will no longer have so much power in your life.

  1. Prioritize your self-care and health.
  2. Treat yourself kindly and speak to yourself with positive words.
  3. Set limits on what you will focus on, the time you will spend, and the energy you will give.
  4. Work in small steps.
  5. Make those steps mean something.
  6. Keep moving forward towards your goal.
  7. Believe in yourself.
  8. Don’t try to do everything by yourself.

The answers are often simpler than the problems themselves.  Don’t push yourself, but do make the commitment to make meaningful change.  Don’t criticize yourself, but do keep your sights trained on what you want to get, do, and be.  Good luck in all that you do.  I know you can do anything you set your mind to.

Interested in more help and tips?  Follow Procrastination Coach on Instagram for daily coaching and inspiration.