These 16 steps will show you the way to successHave you ever wondered how some people seem to move from one success to the other?

Have you ever wanted freedom from the things that hold you back from success?  Can you imagine what life would be like without procrastination, self-doubt, and fatigue?

I have great news for you.  You can readily attain the success and good feelings you crave. They are available to all of us.

Below I’ve listed 16 steps you can take to lay the groundwork for your own eventual success.  Be patient with yourself as you guide yourself through the steps, as some of them may require you to change some long-held patterns.  You may feel doubtful or anxious when you make these shifts in behavior and mindset, but please remember, change tends to bring a little bit of anxiety with it.  Breathe through the anxiety and have confidence in the changes you are making for yourself.  Avoid trying to master all of the steps all at once.  One step at a time is a great way to travel.

16 Ways to Fast Track Your Way to Success

  1. Get enough sleep. Sleeping 7-9 hours per night will do the trick.
  2. Decide how you want to feel tomorrow and make your decisions based on that feeling.
  3. Speak up for what you need when you need it (or before).
  4. Be yourself.  When you are not being yourself, others will not be able to get a “read” on what you want.
  5. Don’t compare yourself with others.  Comparing yourself to others will slow you down unnecessarily.  It may block you from moving forward altogether.
  6. Eat healthy foods as often as possible.
  7. Set a priority.  Always orient yourself towards that priority until it’s done.
  8. Stretch yourself forward.  You can grow and change more than you think.  Anxiety has us thinking way too small.
  9. Connect with people who can help, guide, support, and encourage you.
  10. Think positively.  When we imagine success, it becomes easier to head for it and to see it when it arrives.
  11. Discard your feelings of guilt, worry, and shame.  They are not essential for working, playing, or living.  Orient yourself towards success.
  12. Stay connected to why you are doing what you are doing.  This will keep your focus strong and your motivation high.
  13. Plant seeds daily.  My friend and colleague Pamela Slim is the champion of this concept — connect with someone or act in a way today so that in a little while, you will see growth and engagement springing from that earlier connection or act. Growth comes from consistent, concerted effort.
  14. Avoid overdoing, perfecting, rehashing, and hyper-regretting.  The goal is to streamline our actions.
  15. Remember your creative power is already within you, part of you, waiting to be expressed.
  16. Celebrate every win.  When we forget to celebrate, we are essentially forgetting to be happy.  Celebrate each success.

I hope this list has given you the gift of get-up-and-go.  If it has, or if you are hoping for something a little more concrete to get you started, I invite you to use the same Garden of Seeds spreadsheet template which I use myself.  Trust me, it is a wonderful tool to have and to use.  Click the button below to get it in your own inbox ==>

Click Here to Receive the Garden of Seeds Template

Whichever strategy you choose to use, please remember to be kind to yourself.  If we do not feel well, we cannot do well.  External success is meaningless if it costs us our health and well-being.  Always make sure to take care of your mind, body, energy, and spirit.

Do you have any strategies for success that you would add to this list?  Please share them in the comments below.  If you feel this article might be helpful to someone you know, please share it with them.  Thank you.