The following list is an excerpt from STEPPING INTO COLLEGE, an e-book I recently published with Diane Elkins.  Although the list was originally written to assist students about to head off to college, I believe the points are relevant for us all.  In fact, I think if you are feeling stuck, there is a good chance you are not sticking to one of the listed guidelines.

Take a few minutes to scan the list of tips, and try to zero in on the one tip you are ignoring.  Then determine how you will set yourself on a path towards greater flow and movement, by addressing how you have been behaving, what you have been ignoring, and what you need to do or to avoid doing.

Recently, I have felt the pain of Tip #2.  To elaborate — figuring out how to get a book published has been a huge learning experience, largely one consisting of times “when things are going wrong.”  Don’t get me wrong…it has been an exciting journey too.  Things didn’t go so much wrong as much as it seemed EVERY part of the process was a new challenge.  And that made it feel like things were going wrong.  Persisting and completing each challenge (read: hurdle) brought us to where we are now – published authors!

14 Tips for Keeping Yourself in Flow

  1. Don’t be afraid to mix it up.
  2. Use the times when things are going wrong as learning experiences.
  3. Ask for help whenever you need it.
  4. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
  5. Don’t assume you can do everything.
  6. Don’t assume you need to do everything.
  7. Don’t do everything.
  8. Write it down.  Keep good records and keep your records simple and organized.
  9. Choose simplicity over complication.
  10. Follow your interests and participate in what interests you.
  11. Invest time daily in keeping yourself organized and healthy.
  12. Reduce distractions and time suckers.  Whether it’s your phone, social media, or trying to study in a noisy room – identifying and eliminating distractions is crucial to success.
  13. Take good breaks.  Get outside, move, stretch, eat something, meditate, laugh.
  14. Be patient and kind to yourself, especially when things aren’t going the way you want them to.

Best wishes as you embark upon some list reviewing.  If you think you might be interested in STEPPING INTO COLLEGE, get it today (8/3/14) on Amazon for FREE!  (Click through to the Amazon sales page and the price will be $0.00.)

I have difficulty with #3, #6, #7, #8, #9, and #12 also.  What’s on your list?  Which ones get you stuck in a rut?  Comment here to share your stories.